
Other working titles: Community gathering, shared experience

Public gathering with no agenda, just a loose program. The gathering itself brings value to the participants.

User Need

To be aware of upcoming gatherings. Users may also want to know the purpose or cause behind the event and how they can participate or contribute.

Success Criteria

The user is informed promptly and accurately about recent community events and is encouraged to attend or support them.


Collection Name

News & Events


Estimated # of Instances

Dozens to a few hundreds


One or multiple departments


Child to



* indicates required sections

  • Title*

  • Description*

  • Important to Know*

    • Time*

    • Date*

    • Location*

      • (If appropriate, can link to a )

  • Image

    • (If appropriate, embed an )

  • Program*

  • Cost*

  • RSVP

    • (If appropriate, can link to sign-up/RSVP )

  • Resources

    • (If appropriate, links to additional relevant , including a flier in a PDF format)

  • Department(s)*

    • (Links to issuing )

  • Contact*

    • (Can link to , social media, or feedback , or PIO email address)

  • Tаg(s)*

  • Related

    • (Automatically links to other relevant articles with the same tags)

  • Last Updated*

    • (Automatic)


Event Template


Request This Page Type

To add a new Event page to the TCTX website, you have 2 options:

1. Word Document Template

  1. Download the template for this page type: Event.docx (downloads automatically when clicked)

  2. Fill out the template. Please don’t skip over required sections. Refer to the guidelines in the template and on this page to help you.

  3. When finished, email the filled-out template to webteam@traviscountytx.gov. Please thoroughly review the content before submitting.

  4. We will review your request and reach out within 2 business days to talk about next steps.

2. Online Form

Fill out the form below to make a request to add a new Event page. Refer to the guidelines above to help you.

Please thoroughly review the content before submitting.

If the form isn't working properly, you can launch it in a new tab.



If you’re not seeing a blue “Submit Page Request” button, move your cursor in the form and scroll down. You have to press this button and submit the form to make sure we receive your request.