Info Page

Other working titles: Non-actionable information

A non-actionable page that hosts contextual and educational information. Info pages are a place to publish useful reference information when there is nothing directly actionable to be done.

User Need

To get the information necessary to make progress towards a service, or get information about a service.

Success Criteria

In most cases, this page should propel the user’s journey to access a service, but can also provide standalone information.

If the content contains a clear task, consider using the page type instead.

If it covers multiple tasks, consider using the page type.


Collection Name

None, but can be part of


Estimated # of Instances

Potentially hundreds


One department


  • Standalone

  • Child to

  • Sibling to other , , and pages



* indicates required sections

  • Service

    • (If appropriate, links to parent)

  • Title*

  • Description*

  • Table of Contents

    • (In-page navigation automatically pulled from h2 headers)

  • Body*

    • (Can link to other supplemental )

  • Image

    • (If appropriate, embed an )

  • Video

    • (If appropriate, embed a )

  • Data

    • (If appropriate, can be a screenshot of stats or a link to )

  • Resources

    • (If appropriate, links to additional relevant )

  • Department(s)*

    • (Links to owning )

  • Contact*

    • (Can link to , social media, or feedback )

  • Tаg(s)*

  • Related

    • (Automatically links to other relevant articles with the same tags)

  • Last Updated*

    • (Automatic)



Info Page Template


Request This Page Type

To add a new Info Page to TCTX:

  1. Download this page type template: (downloads automatically)

  2. Fill out the template. Please don’t skip over required sections. Refer to the guidelines in the template and on this page to help you.

  3. When finished, email the filled-out template to Please thoroughly review the content before submitting.

  4. We will review your request and reach out within 2 business days to talk about next steps.