Service Step-by-Step

Other working titles: Stepper, process overview, service stepper

This page type is a high-level outline of important steps or activities a person needs to complete to access a Travis County service.

Most services are more complex than a single step. Use this page type to summarize the whole journey in a chronological order, start to finish, even if it may span over several months.

User Need

To see what they can expect as part of a bigger process, especially around timeline, total cost, and number of steps they may need to take. To be used as a reference point throughout the process.

Success Criteria

This page must only provide a birds-eye view of a complex service. It should not dive into details.
If an individual step requires deeper context or details, consider linking to a separate , or where possible.


Collection Name

Process Overviews cannot be a part of a Collection. But they may be linked to a specific.  


  • (and other permit pages)

  • (and other PO pages)

Estimated # of Instances



Multiple departments, each owning individual steps


Parent to , ,



* indicates required sections

  • Topic

    • (If the process is part of a larger )

  • Title*

  • Description*

  • Status

    • (Automatically pulled from child )

  • Table of Contents

    • (In-page navigation automatically pulled from h2 headers)

  • Important to Know*

    • Eligibility*

    • Timeline*

    • Cost*

  • Required Documents*

  • Process Step-by-Step*

    • Name of Each Step*

    • Summary of Each Step*

    • Links to More Materials

      • (As appropriate, can link to & & & )

  • Resources

    • (If appropriate, links to additional relevant )

  • Department(s)*

    • (Links to owning )

  • Contact

    • (As appropriate, can link to , social media, or feedback )

  • Tаg(s)*

  • Related

    • (Automatically links to other relevant articles with the same tags)

  • Last Updated*

    • (Automatic)



Service Step-by-Step Template


Request This Page Type

To add a new Step-by-Step Process Overview page to TCTX:

  1. Download this page type template: (downloads automatically)

  2. Fill out the template. Please don’t skip over required sections. Refer to the guidelines in the template and on this page to help you.

  3. When finished, email the filled-out template to Please thoroughly review the content before submitting.

  4. We will review your request and reach out within 2 business days to talk about next steps.

If you want to add a Step-by-Step Process Overview page for multiple services, repeat this process for each services. Submit one filled-out template per service.