
Other working titles: Initiative, County-wide effort

Informs about ongoing initiatives with a clearly defined end goal. Involves PIO / marketing / social media.

User Need

To learn about current initiatives, their objectives, benefits, and how they can participate or benefit from them.

Success Criteria

Users are not only informed but also engaged, leading to active participation, support, or favorable response towards the campaign's objectives. The campaign should achieve its intended reach and impact.


Collection Name

News & Events


Estimated # of Instances

A few every year


Typically PIO


  • Standalone

  • Child to announcing the initiative



* indicates required sections

  • Title*

  • Tagline*

  • Description*

  • Hero Image*

    • (Embeds an with the campaign’s branding)

  • Facts*

  • Call to Action

    • (If appropriate, can link to sign-up/feedback or other material)

  • Pull Quote

  • Video

    • (If appropriate, embed a )

  • Data

    • (If appropriate, can be a screenshot of stats or a link to )

  • Stories*

    • (Can be short blurbs or link to a larger article, if appropriate)

  • Resources

    • (If appropriate, links to additional relevant )

  • Department(s)*

    • (Links to issuing )

  • Partners

    • (Links to partner websites)

  • Contact*

    • (Can link to , social media, or feedback , or PIO email address)

  • Tаg(s)*

  • Related

    • (Automatically links to other relevant articles with the same tags)

  • Last Updated*

    • (Automatic)


Campaign Template