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  • This line was removed.
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Other working titles: Transaction, step


This page


provides details of one step in a larger process. A simple task-like structure.

User Need

To find out what they need to do to make progress towards a service, and how to do it.

Success Criteria

Must be actionable and tell the user exactly what to do. If additional non-actionable instructions are needed, create an Info Page.


Service Seeker

Collection Name

None, but can be part of Step-by-Step Process Overview


Estimated # of Instances

Potentially hundreds


One department




  • Part Of (automatically links to



  • parent)

  • Status


  • (an embedded Alert, required if there’s a disruption to the service


  • )

  • Page Header (required)

  • Description


  • (required)

  • Table of Content


  • (in-page navigation automatically pulled from h2 headers)

  • Need to Know


  • (required)

    • Requirements


    • (required)

    • Eligibility (required)

  • What to Do


  • (required, can link to supplemental Info Page & Form & Portal)

  • Estimated Timeline (if appropriate)

  • Estimated Cost (if appropriate)

  • Location(s) (required



  • )


Estimated timeline (if appropriate)


Estimated cost (if appropriate)

  • Resources


  • (if appropriate


  • Link(s) to relevant ​Resource (if appropriate)

Owner(s) – the department(s) involved in the process (required)


  • , links to additional relevant Resource)

  • Department(s) (required, links to owning Public Body)

  • Contact (required


Link(s) to social media of owner(s) (if appropriate)



  • , social media, or feedback Form)

  • Tаg(s) (required)

  • Related


  • (automatically links to other relevant articles


  • with the same tags)


  • Last Updated (automatic)



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