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Other working titles: NoneClient portal


A point in the user’s journey where


the interaction is handed off to a third-party


tool. This is not a standalone page, but a link to a tool with necessary context.

User Need

To complete steps of their journey to accessing a service online, typically towards the end of the journey. Often to provide personal data and/or required documents (e.g., to submit an application).

Success Criteria

The CTA is clear. Before the user leaves the website (TCTX), they should have enough information to be successful in the portal. The user can be referred back to TCTX as they navigate in the portal.

There should be no duplicate information on TCTX and the portal – the website is the one source of truth.


Service Seeker

Collection Name

Internal tools inventory


Estimated # of Instances



Vendor & one department


Link in the context of a Service Step-by-Step or Detailed Step Process Overview


  • Name Descriptive name of the tool (required) – this is not the vendor name, as that usually doesn’t mean anything to the user

  • Context (required)

    • Description – text that provides additional details about what the tool is and its purpose (required)

    • Expectation – what the user can expect once they enter the tool (required)

    • Instructions/guide – what the user needs to do in the tool to achieve their goal (required)

    • Next steps – what the user needs to do once they’re done in the tool (if applicable); continuation of the journey outlined in Service Step-by-Step